Church Picnic – June


Picnic Games










Agency D3 VBS




Maj Hamilton receiving a Canadian Flag as

he steps down as Brigade Padre. May 2023


Tracy graduates from Basic Training!


Ming Che becomes a Canadian Citizen!




Kendall Docherty & Friends Christmas Concert


A few of the goodies at the Christmas Bake Sale



Dr. Tom leads the Charlottetown Cenotaph Service

on Remembrance Day


Jacqueline and our New C3X Grand Piano!


Annual Remembrance Day Service & Drama


Hurricane Wedding – Despite Hurricane Fiona,

Carol and Glen Williams were married at St. Mark’s on September 25


Amazing Wonders Aviation


Eleanor Compton – Davida Stewart Award 2022


PEI PROUD!  Rachel graduates with her MA from Queens


Jeanette MacLeod – Davida Stewart Award for 2020



Dr. Tom in Italy filming with the Bravery in Arms crew.


Susie Hamilton being presented with the

Davida Stewart Young Christian Woman’s Leadership Award

by Scott MacDonald, Presbytery Treasurer


11 of the 13 new members received!


This is how Session meets in the midst of Social Distancing!









Welcome to the Newest Member of the St. Mark’s Church Family:


Jace Robert Keough




Submissions from children watching Virtual Church 2020

From Alexsa and Liam – an Easter Cross










From Livia:










From Cameron – Lego St. Mark’s – complete with Dr. Tom & Rev. Paula leading worship!










send your submissions to Rev. Paula at or















Thanks to everyone who worked so hard to make our annual Roast Beef dinner another success!

RB Dinner 2018 - 7

RB Dinner 2018 - 6A

RB Dinner 2018 - 4RB Dinner 2018 - 3RB Dinner 2018 - 1









RB Dinner 2018 - 2

RB Dinner 2018 - 5






































Some of the children who came forward for story time when we talked about photos giving us memories of things we might otherwise forget!

Gospel Treasures











Roast Beef Dinner April 2017

Great food and great fun!

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Church Parade 2017

On Sunday, April 2, we welcomed the men and women of the Prince Edward Island Regiment to our morning service.  The Regiment, led by the Regimental Band, marched down Pine Drive to the church.  It was an honour and privilege for the Church Family at St. Mark’s to host the PEI Regiment for Church Parade.   Special thanks to Madison MacDonald and Susanna Hamilton for the photographs.


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Outrigger Island VBS – Summer 2016VBS Crew cropped IMG_5038 IMG_50372016 EVENTS 

Tweens and CIA play GA-GA ball!Youth Gaga 1 Youth Gaga 2 Youth Gaga 4 Youth Gaga 6 Youth Gaga 7 Youth Gaga 8 Youth Gaga 9 Youth Gaga 10 Youth Gaga 11 Youth Gaga3 Youth Gaga5

Youth Gaga 13

Annual Roast Beef Supper

Getting Ready!
RB Dinner Resetting the tables RB Dinner Getting ready for the next go round April 2016 RB Dinner checking the table settings
Awaiting the OnslaughtRB Dinner Awaiting the onslaught

Roast Beef Dinner set and ready to go

The guests arrive!

Roast Beef Dinner April 2016

Desserts ready to go!RB DInner Desserts

The Kitchen – a Bee Hive of ActivityRB Dinner Beehive2

RB Dinner Bee hive


Getting ready for the next sitting

RB Dinner Resetting



Choirs Concert – Massed Choir

St. Mark’s, St. James, Zion, Park RoyalMassed Choir April 10 2016



Church Parade – April

Church Parade 2015 1 Church Parade 2015 3 Church Parade 2015 4 Church Parade 2015 9

June – Dr. Tom & Rev. Paula receive Mayor’s Citizenship Awards18696120816_2bac351939_h 18101781993_406a6256a7_n



Summer – Vacation Bible School – Beach Blast
VBS 7 croppedVBS 5VBS 9VBS 10

October – Thanksgiving Display – donations to Food BankThanksgiving Display Donations for the Food Bank


November –  Remembrance Activities

Dr. Tom’s Annual Drama

Bob Santer’s War Memorabilia Display

padre tom in WWI uniform Remembrance Display

Canada Remembers Chorus Concert

Concerts - Canada Remembers Chorus Activities - Concerts 1


December Concerts

Kendall Docherty & Friends , Arioso, Sunday School

Kendall Docherty Concert Arioso 1 Sunday School Christmas Concert




Easter Roast Beef Dinner

All the work behind the scenes . . .

Roast Beef Dinner 1 Roast Beef Dinner 4 Roast Beef Dinner 6

Roast Beef Dinner 3 Roast Beef Dinner 12 Roast Beef Dinner 15 Roast Beef Dinner 16 Roast Beef Dinner 17 Roast Beef Dinner 18 Roast Beef Dinner 21 Roast Beef Dinner 22 Roast Beef Dinner 23 Roast Beef Dinner 25Roast Beef Dinner 10

  Hungry and ready to eat!Roast Beef Dinner 19 Roast Beef Dinner 20 

Church Parade with the PEIR  April 6, 2014

Church Parade 2014 CO Addressing Church Family

Church Parade 2014 CO & Padre 2LCol Allan Trainor, Commanding Officer of the Prince Edward Island Regiment presenting Capt. Rev. Dr. Tom with the CO’s Coin for Exceptional Service

 Coin side 1

Coin side 2


Canada Remembers Chorus


Canada Remembers Chorus 1



Capt. Rev. Dr. Tom graduates from CFB Borden Chaplains’ School

October 25, 2013

Dr Tom Graduates from CFB Borden Chaplains School


Sea Cruise VBS

Sea Cruise logo ovaled

Sea Cruise VBS Set

Sea Cruise VBSSea Cruise VBS PassengersSPRING 

Compost Sale


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Dr. Tom training at CFB Borden

Dr Tom in class at CFB Borden Chaplains School

Silver Belles

Anniversary Celebration

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Church Parade – the Prince Edward Island Regiment comes to worship with us!  April 7, 2013

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Coldest Night of the Year Walk-a-thon

Coldest Night Walk 2013 010 Coldest Night Walk 2013 006 Coldest Night Walk 2013 001


New Year’s Caroling Night


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