CHRISTMAS BAKE SALE – SATURDAY 9:00 a.m. til 11:00 a.m.

Christmas Bake Sale @ St. Mark’s

(Corner of Brackley Pt Rd and Pine Drive)

Saturday  9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

Items are already arriving for tomorrow’s bake sale – pecan pie, gumdrop cake, cookies, squares, cookies, fudge, freshly baked bread, preserves, even some homemade bubble mittens!
Sale is tomorrow (Saturday) at 9:00 a.m. til 11:00 a.m.
Come stock up on fresh baking for Christmas!




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Island Christmas Traditions with Kendall Docherty & Friends

Tickets are now on sale for “Island Christmas Traditions with Kendall Docherty & Friends”

Join us on Sunday, November 27 @ 7:00 p.m. as we begin the Advent Season with a Christmas Concert featuring carols, songs and stories with Kendall and Friends.

Tickets $15.00 Adults, $7.50 for Children under 12.

For tickets call Lois at 902-368-8246 or the Church Office at 902-892-5255



Virtual Church: Sunday, DECEMBER 27 – “Keeping Christmas in Our Hearts”

December 27, 2020 - Keep Christmas in Your Heart


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Oh Come All Ye Faithful 

Oh come, all ye faithful,
joyful and triumphant;
Oh come ye, oh come ye, to Bethlehem.
Come and behold Him,
born the King of angels:
Oh come, let us adore Him;
oh come, let us adore Him;
oh come, let us adore Him,
Christ the Lord.

Sing, choirs of angels,
sing in exultation;
sing, all ye citizens of heaven above:
“Glory to God
in the highest!”
Oh come, let us adore Him;
oh come, let us adore Him;
oh come, let us adore Him,
Christ the Lord.

(Words: F. Oakeley, Music: Anonymous
Words & Music: Public Domain; Church CCLI # 2458953)

’Twas in the Moon of Wintertime

‘Twas in the moon of wintertime,
when all the birds had fled,
that mighty Gitchi Manitou sent angel choirs instead;
before their light the stars grew dim,
and wandering hunters heard the hymn:
Jesus your King is born,
Jesus is born, in excelsis Gloria.

Within a lodge of broken bark
the tender Babe was found;
a ragged robe of rabbit skin
enwrapped His beauty round,
but, as the hunter braves drew nigh
the angel song rang loud and high:
Jesus your King is born,
Jesus is born, in excelsis Gloria.

(Words: Huron, Jean de Brebeuf, Translation: J. Edgar Middleton. Music: Anonymous, arrangement: Frederick Jackisch.
Words: © The Frederick Harris Music Co. Ltd. Music: arrangement © 1978 Lutheran Book of Worship/Augsburg Fortress. Church CCLI # 2458953)


Good Christians, All Rejoice

Good Christians, all rejoice
with heart and soul and voice;
now give heed to what we say:
Jesus Christ is born today,
oxen before Him bow,
and He is in the manger now.
Christ is born today;
Christ is born today.

Good Christians, all rejoice
with heart and soul and voice;
now you hear of endless bliss:
Jesus Christ was born for this.
He has opened heaven’s door,
and we are blest for evermore.
Christ was born for this;
Christ was born for this.

Good Christians, all rejoice
with heart and soul and voice;
now you need not fear the grave:
Jesus Christ was born to save,
calls you one and calls you all
to gain the everlasting hall.
Christ was born to save;
Christ was born to save.

(Words: translation, John Mason Neale, Music: German Carol Melody  / Words & Music: Public Domain. Church CCLI#2458953)


DUET: In the Bleak Mid-Winter – Dr. Tom and Susie

(Words: Christina G. Rossetti, Music: Gustav T. Holst
Words: Public Domain; Music: © Oxford University Press. Church CCLI # 2458953)

DUET: Is There Room in Your Heart? Tracy & Vivian Lo

Joy to the World

Joy to the world! The Lord is come:
let earth receive its King;
Let every heart, prepare Him room
and heaven and nature sing,
and heaven and nature sing,
and heaven, and heaven and nature sing.

Joy to the earth! The Saviour reigns:
let us our songs employ,
while fields and floods, rocks, hills, and plains
repeat the sounding joy,
repeat the sounding joy,
repeat, repeat the sounding joy.

No more let sins and sorrows grow,
nor thorns infest the ground;
He comes to make His blessings flow
far as the curse is found,
far as the curse is found,
far as, far as the curse is found.

He rules the world with truth and grace,
and makes the nations prove
the glories of
His righteousness
and wonders of His love,
and wonders of His love,
and wonders, wonders of His love.

(Words: Isaac Watts, Music: Lowell Mason  Words & Music: Public Domain. Church CCLI#2458953)

Virtual Church: Sunday, DECEMBER 20 – “LOVE”


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The First Noel

The first Noel the angel did say
was to certain poor shepherds
in fields as they lay,
in fields where they lay keeping their sheep,
on a cold winter’s night that was so deep.
Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel!
Born is the King of Israel.

(Words & Music: English Traditional Words & Music: Public Domain; Church CCLI # 2458953)

That Boy-Child of Mary

That boy-child of Mary was born in a stable,
a manger His cradle in Bethlehem.
What shall we call Him,
child of the manger?
What name is given in Bethlehem?

That boy-child of Mary was born in a stable,
a manger His cradle in Bethlehem.
His name is Jesus,
God ever with us,
God given for us in Bethlehem.

That boy-child of Mary was born in a stable,
a manger His cradle in Bethlehem.
One with the Father,
He is our Saviour,
heaven-sent helper of Bethlehem.

That boy-child of Mary was born in a stable,
a manger His cradle in Bethlehem.

(Words: Tom Colvin; Music: Malawi traditional. arranged by Tom Colvin. Words & Music: 1969 Hope Publishing Co. Church CCLI # 2458953)

Oh Come All Ye Faithful

Oh come, all ye faithful,
joyful and triumphant;
Oh come ye, oh come ye, to Bethlehem.
Come and behold Him,
born the King of angels:
Oh come, let us adore Him;
oh come, let us adore Him;
oh come, let us adore Him,
Christ the Lord.

Sing, choirs of angels,
sing in exultation;
sing, all ye citizens of heaven above:
“Glory to God
in the highest!”
Oh come, let us adore Him;
oh come, let us adore Him;
oh come, let us adore Him,
Christ the Lord.

(Words: F. Oakeley, Music: Anonymous  Words & Music: Public Domain; Church CCLI # 2458953)


Candle of Love – Lester & Lois MacFadyen
L = Leader C = Congregation

L: In this season of Advent, we celebrate God’s love.

C: Soon we will welcome
the beautiful and radical love of God
as Jesus Christ comes to live among us.

L: We embrace our identity as God’s beloved children
and let this truth guide our decisions and relationships.

C: In our homes and in our church
we offer hospitality,
welcoming those we don’t know, those who are in need,
and those who are different from us.

L: We demonstrate our care for creation
in real and tangible ways through the products we buy,
the food we eat, and the way we live every day.

C: Together, we are a sign of God’s love for the world.

(The candle is lit)

L: Let us pray:

C: God of extravagant generosity,
in Jesus we discover
the depth of your care
and the lengths you will go to save us.
Forgive us when we ignore those in need,
trample your creation
and refuse to share
all that we receive from you.
Teach us to love our neighbours,
caring for each other
in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


Sung Response: Love is a Flame

Love is a flame that burns in our hearts,
Jesus has come and will never depart.
When God is a child
there’s joy in our song.
The last shall be first
and the weak shall be strong,
and none shall be afraid.

(Words: Brian Wren, Music: Joan Collier Fogg Words & Music: © 1989 by Hope Publishing Co. Church CCLI # 2458953)


By Heaven’s Light: A Christmas Cantata

(Words: Tom S. Long Music: Allen Pote © 2007 Hope Publishing Company)

Once in Royal David’s City

Once in royal David’s city
stood a lowly cattle shed,
where a mother laid her baby
in manger for His bed:
Mary was that mother mild,
Jesus Christ her little child.

Christ came down to earth from heaven,
Who is God and Lord of all,
sheltered by a humble stable,
cradled in a cattle stall:
with the poor, oppressed and lowly,
lived on earth, our Saviour holy.

(Words: Cecil Frances Alexander, Music: Henry John Gauntlett, harmony: A.H. Mann.
Words & Music: Public Domain, Harmony: © Novello & Co Ltd. Church CCLI#2458953)

Virtual Church: Sunday, DECEMBER 13 – “JOY”


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God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen

God rest ye merry, gentlemen,
let nothing you dismay,
remember Christ our Savior
was born on Christmas day,
to save us all from Satan’s pow’r
when we were gone astray;
O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy,
O tidings of comfort and joy.

From God our heav’nly Father,
a blessed angel came;
and unto certain shepherds
brought tidings of the same:
how that in Bethlehem was born
the son of God by name,
O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy,
O tidings of comfort and joy.

(C) 2002 Hal Leonard Corporation

Still, Still, Still

Still, still, still, He sleeps this night so chill!
The Virgin’s tender arms enfolding,
Warm and safe the Child are holding,
Still, still, still, He sleeps this night so chill!

Sleep, sleep, sleep, He lies in slumber deep
While angel hosts from heav’n come winging,
Sweetest songs of joy are singing,
Sleep, sleep, sleep, He lies in slumber deep.

Joy, joy, joy; Glad tidings of great joy!
The Holy One in manger lowly
Brings to us salvation wholly.
Joy, joy, joy; Glad tidings of great joy!

English Words: (C) George K. Evans, 1980; Music: Austrian Traditional, arrangement (C) Walter Ehret, 1980

Angels We Have Heard on High

Angels we have heard on high,
sweetly singing o’er the plains,
and the mountains in reply
echoing their joyous strains.
in excelsis Deo.
in excelsis Deo.

Shepherds, why this jubilee?
Why your joyous strains prolong?
What the gladsome tidings be
which inspire your heavenly song?
in excelsis Deo.
in excelsis Deo.

Come to Bethlehem and see
Christ whose birth the angels sing;
come, adore on bended knee,
Christ, the Lord, the newborn King.
in excelsis Deo.
in excelsis Deo.

(Words: Luke 2:6-20; Music: Traditional. Words & Music: Public Domain.  Church CCLI # 2458953)

ADVENT WREATH – Candle of Joy Helene Duranleau-Reid & Barclay Reid
L = Leader C = Congregation

L: In this season of Advent, we celebrate God’s joy.

C: Knowing that Christ is coming
to bring healing and wholeness to the world
is a source of delight!

L: When we gather for worship it is a celebration,
an opportunity to rejoice in all that God is doing
among us and beyond us.

C: We welcome our neighbours and celebrate God’s goodness.

L: Even when we face difficulty and trouble
we sing a song of faith,
confident that Jesus is able
to redeem our suffering world.

C: Together, we are a sign of God’s joy for the world.

(The candle is lit)

L: Let us pray:

C: God of transformation,
we rejoice that You lift up the lowly
and bind up the broken hearted.
We marvel at Your power to change hearts and lives.
Fill us with Your Spirit this season
so that our voices declare Your goodness
and our lives proclaim Your mercy
in Jesus Christ. Amen.

Sung Response: Joy is a Song 

Joy is a song that welcomes the dawn,
telling the world that the Saviour is born.
When God is a child
there’s joy in our song.
The last shall be first
and the weak shall be strong,
and none shall be afraid.

(Words: Brian Wren, Music: Joan Collier Fogg  Words & Music: © 1989 by Hope Publishing Co. Church CCLI # 2458953)

Joy to the World

Joy to the world! The Lord is come:
let earth receive its King;
Let every heart, prepare Him room
and heaven and nature sing,
and heaven and nature sing,
and heaven, and heaven and nature sing.

Joy to the earth! The Saviour reigns:
let us our songs employ,
while fields and floods, rocks, hills, and plains
repeat the sounding joy,
repeat the sounding joy,
repeat, repeat the sounding joy.

No more let sins and sorrows grow,
nor thorns infest the ground;
He comes to make His blessings flow
far as the curse is found,
far as the curse is found,
far as, far as the curse is found.

He rules the world with truth and grace,
and makes the nations prove
the glories of
His righteousness
and wonders of His love,
and wonders of His love,
and wonders, wonders of His love.

(Words: Isaac Watts, Music: Lowell Mason; Words & Music: Public Domain. Church CCLI#2458953)

Virtual Church: Sunday, DECEMBER 6 – “Being at Peace”

December 6, 2020 Second Week of Advent

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It Came Upon the Midnight Clear

It came upon the midnight clear,
that glorious song of old,
from angels bending near the earth
to touch their harps of gold.
“Peace on the earth, goodwill toward men,
from heaven’s all gracious King”;
the world in solemn stillness lay
to hear the angels sing.

For lo! The days are hastening on,
by prophet bards foretold,
when with the ever circling years
comes round the age of gold,
when peace shall over all the earth
its ancient splendours fling,
and the whole world give back the song,
which now the angels sing.

(Words: Edmund H Sears, Music: Richard Storrs Willis.
Words & Music: Public Domain; Church CCLI # 2458953)

ADVENT WREATH – The Candle of Peace

L = Leader C = Congregation

L: In this season of Advent, we celebrate God’s peace.

C: Jesus Christ, born the Prince of Peace,
calls our community to justice
and leads us in the way of peace.

L: We call one another to honesty and humility
and respond to each other with abundant grace and forgiveness.

C: Our community values relationships.
We live in harmony with one another even when we disagree,
and strive to glorify God in everything we do.

L: Our community longs for unity.
We work together with other churches and organizations,
and live out God’s reconciling love for all the world to see.

C: Together, we are a sign of God’s peace in the world.

(The Candle of Peace is lit)

L: Let us pray:

C: God of all people and all nations,
you break through the cynicism
of our world
and lead us like a gentle shepherd.
Open our eyes to see the signs of
your coming kingdom
and inspire us to participate
in all you are doing
in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Sung Response: Peace is a Ribbon #119 verse 2

Peace is a ribbon that circles the earth,
giving a promise of safety and worth.
When God is a child
there’s joy in our song.
The last shall be first
and the weak shall be strong,
and none shall be afraid.

(Words: Brian Wren, Music: Joan Collier Fogg
Words & Music: © 1989 by Hope Publishing Co. Church CCLI # 2458953)

Hark! The Herald Angels Sing

Hark! The herald angels sing,
glory to the newborn King,
peace on earth and mercy mild,
God and sinners reconciled.
Joyful, all ye nations rise;
join the triumph of the skies;
with the angelic host proclaim,
“Christ is born in Bethlehem.”
Hark! The herald angels sing,
glory to the newborn King.

Christ, by highest heaven adored,
Christ the everlasting Lord,
late in time behold Him come,
offspring of a virgin’s womb.
Veiled in flesh the God-head see!
Hail the incarnate deity!
Pleased on earth with us to dwell,
Jesus, our Emmanuel.
Hark! The herald angels sing,
glory to the newborn King.

Hail the heaven-born Prince of Peace!
Hail the sun of righteousness!
Light and life to all He brings,
risen with healing in His wings.
Mild, He lays His glory by,
born that we no more may die,
born to raise the lost of earth,
born to give us second birth.
Hark! The herald angels sing,
glory to the newborn King.

(Words: Charles Wesley, Music: Felix Mendelssohn.
Words & Music: Public Domain. Church CCLI#2458953)

Virtual Church: Sunday, NOVEMBER 29 – “HOPE”

November 29, 2020 First Week of Advent


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Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus

Come, thou long-expected Jesus,
born to set Thy people free;
from our fears and sins release us;
let us find our rest in Thee.
Israel’s strength and consolation,
hope of all the earth Thou art,
dear desire of every nation,
joy of every longing heart.

Born Thy people to deliver;
born a child and yet a king;
born to reign in us forever;
now Thy gracious kingdom bring.
By Thine own eternal Spirit
rule in all our hearts alone;
by Thine all sufficient merit
raise us to Thy glorious throne.

(Words: Charles Wesley, Music: Rowland Hugh Pritchard, Harmony: Ralph Vaughn Williams. Words: Public Domain; Music: Harmony © Oxford University Press from The English Hymnal, as printed in the Presbyterian Church in Canada Hymn Book © 1996. Church CCLI # 2458953)

ADVENT WREATH – Candle of Hope

Leader: The season of Advent begins, and we celebrate the hope
we find in the good news of the Gospel.

Congregation: Through the birth
of a tiny and helpless child,
God comes to save the world.

Leader: While we watch and wait for Jesus,
we join God’s mission by bringing grace and mercy
to those who need it most.

Congregation: We engage the poor and the poor in spirit,
letting Christ’s light shine through us.

Leader: We speak words of comfort and love
to a world in need of hope and healing
as we share our stories of God’s transforming Spirit.

Congregation: Together, we are a sign of God’s hope for the world.

(The candle is lit)

Leader: Let us pray:

Congregation: God of surprising grace,
when we least expect it
You bring fresh new life;
and where we feel that all is lost,
You bring redemption.
Give us courage as we share
all You have done,
all You are doing,
and all You will accomplish
through Jesus Christ. Amen.

Sung Response: Hope is a Star

Hope is a star that shines in the night,
leading us on till the morning is bright.
When God is a child
there’s joy in our song.
The last shall be first
and the weak shall be strong,
and none shall be afraid.

(Words: Brian Wren, Music: Joan Collier Fogg
Words & Music: © 1989 by Hope Publishing Co. Church CCLI # 2458953)

Angels from the Realms of Glory

Angels from the realms of glory,
wing your flight o’er all the earth;
ye who sang creation’s story,
now proclaim Messiah’s birth.
Come and worship, come and worship,
worship Christ, the newborn King.

Shepherds in your field abiding,
watching o’er your flocks by night,
God with us is now residing;
yonder shines the infant Light.
Come and worship, come and worship,
worship Christ, the newborn King.

Though an infant now we view Him,
He shall fill His Father’s throne,
gather all the nations to Him;
every knee shall then bow down.
Come and worship, come and worship,
worship Christ, the newborn King.

(Words: James Montgomery, Music: Henry T. Stewart,
Words & Music: Public Domain. Church CCLI#2458953)