Virtual Church: Sunday, SEPTEMBER 6 – “Insomnia”


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This Is The Day

This is the day, this is the day
that the Lord has made, that the Lord has made.
We will rejoice, we will rejoice
and be glad in it, and be glad in it.
This is the day that the Lord has made;
we will rejoice and be glad in it.
This is the day, this is the day
that the Lord has made.

Open to us, open to us, open to us
the gates of God, the gates of God;
We will go in, we will go in
and praise the Lord, and praise the Lord.
Open to us the gates of God;
we will go in and praise the Lord.
Open to us, open to us the gates of God.

You are our God, You are our God;
we will praise Your Name,
we will praise Your Name;
we will give thanks, we will give thanks
for Your faithfulness, for Your faithfulness.
You are our God, we will praise Your name;
we will give thanks for Your faithfulness.
You are our God, You are our God;
we will praise Your name.

(CCLI Song #32754 © 1967, 1980 Scripture In Song Les Garrett For use solely in accordance with the SongSelect Basic Terms of Agreement. All rights Reserved. CCLI License #2458953)


Lift Up Your Hearts to the Lord

Lift up your hearts unto the Lord.
Lift up your hearts unto the Lord.
Sing hallelujah, sing hallelujah;
Lift up your hearts unto the Lord.

In Christ the world has been redeemed.
In Christ the world has been redeemed.
Sing hallelujah, sing hallelujah;
In Christ the world has been redeemed.

Sing hallelujah to the Lord.
Sing hallelujah to the Lord.
Sing hallelujah, sing hallelujah;
Sing hallelujah to the Lord.

(Words: Early Christian Liturgy, Music: Linda Stassen, Harmony: Dale Grotenhuis, as printed in the Presbyterian Church in Canada Book of Praise © 1996. Church CCLI # 2458953)


There is a Redeemer

There is a redeemer, Jesus, God’s own Son.
precious Lamb of God, Messiah,
Holy One.
Thank You, O my Father,
for giving us Your Son,
and leaving Your Spirit
till Your work on earth is done.

Jesus, my Redeemer,
name above all names,
precious Lamb of God, Messiah,
oh for sinners slain.
Thank You, O my Father,
for giving us Your Son,
and leaving Your Spirit
till Your work on earth is done.

When I stand in glory, I will see His face,
and there I’ll serve my King forever,
in that holy place.
Thank You, O my Father,
for giving us Your Son,
and leaving Your Spirit
till Your work on earth is done.

Thank You, O my Father,
for giving us Your Son,
and leaving Your Spirit
till Your work on earth is done.

(Words & Music: Melody Green © BMG Music Publishing Co. as printed in the Presbyterian Church in Canada Book of Praise © 1996.
Church CCLI # 2458953)

Virtual Church: Sunday, AUGUST 30 – “Loaves and Fishes”


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Jesus Calls Us Here to Meet Him

Jesus calls us here to meet Him,
as through word, and song, and prayer,
we affirm God’s promised presence
where His people live and care.
Praise the God who keeps His promise;
praise the Son who calls us friends;
praise the Spirit who, among us,
to our hopes and fears attends.

Jesus calls us to confess Him
Word of Life and Lord of all,
sharer of our flesh and frailness
saving all who fail or fall.
Tell His holy human story;
tell His tales that all may hear;
tell the world that Christ in glory
came to earth to meet us here.

Jesus calls us to each each other:
Found in Him are no divides.
Race and gender, class and language:
such are barriers He derides.
Join the hands of friend and stranger;
join the hands of age and youth;
join the faithful and the doubter
in their common search for Truth.

(Words & Music: © WGRG The Iona Community (Scotland), 1989.
As printed in the Presbyterian Church in Canada Book of Praise © 1996. Church CCLI # 2458953)

As the Deer

(Words & Music: Martin Nystrom. © Maranatha Music, 1984.
As printed in the Presbyterian Church in Canada Book of Praise © 1996. Church CCLI # 2458953)

Will You Come and Follow Me

Will you come and follow me if I but call your name?
Will you go where you don’t know and never be the same?
Will you let My love be shown;
will you let My name be known;
will you let My life be grown in you and you in Me?

Will you leave yourself behind if I but call your name?
will you care for cruel and kind and never be the same?
Will you risk the hostile stare
should your life attract or scare?
Will you let Me answer prayer in you and you in Me?

Will you let the blinded see if I but call your name?
Will you set the prisoners free and never be the same?
Will you kiss the leper clean,
and do such as this unseen,
and admit to what I mean in you and you in Me?

Will you love the “you” you hide if I but call your name?
Will you quell the fear inside and never be the same?
Will you use the faith you’ve found
to reshape the world around,
through My sight and touch and sound
in you and you in Me?

Lord, Your summons echoes true
when You but call my name.
Let me turn and follow You and never be the same.
In Your company I’ll go
where Your love and footsteps show.
Thus I’ll move and live and grow in You and You in me.

(Words: Iona Community (Scotland) © WGRG The Iona Community (Scotland), 1987. Music: John L. Bell © G.I.A. Publications Inc., 1987.
As printed in the Presbyterian Church in Canada Book of Praise © 1996. Church CCLI # 2458953)

Virtual Church: Sunday, AUGUST 9 – “A Healthy Dose”


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Let Us With a Gladsome Mind

Let us with a gladsome mind
praise the Lord, so good and kind,
for God’s mercies shall endure,
ever faithful, ever sure.

Let us blaze God’s name abroad;
of all gods the Lord is God,
for God’s mercies shall endure,
ever faithful, ever sure.

God with all-commanding might
filled the new-made world with light,
for God’s mercies shall endure,
ever faithful, ever sure.

All things living God doth feed;
with full hand supplies their need,
for God’s mercies shall endure,
ever faithful, ever sure.

Let us then with gladsome mind
praise the Lord, so good and kind,
for God’s mercies shall endure,
ever faithful, ever sure.

(Words: John Milton, Music: Hymn Tunes of the United Brethren.
Words & Music: Public Domain
Church CCLI # 2458953)


In His Time

(Words & Music: Diane Ball © Maranatha Music, Church CCLI #2458953)

Give Me Oil in My Lamp

Give me oil in my lamp, keep me burning;
Give me oil in my lamp, I pray. Hallelujah!
Give me oil in my lamp, keep me burning;
Keep me burning ’til the break of day.
Sing hosanna, sing hosanna,
sing Hosanna to the King of kings.
Sing hosanna, sing hosanna,
sing hosanna, let us sing!

Give me joy in my heart, keep me praising;
Give me joy in my heart, I pray. Hallelujah!
Give me joy in my heart, keep me praising;
Keep me praising ’til the break of day.
Sing hosanna, sing hosanna,
sing Hosanna to the King of kings.
Sing hosanna, sing hosanna,
sing hosanna, let us sing!

Give me peace in my heart, keep me loving;
Give me peace in my heart, I pray. Hallelujah!
Give me peace in my heart, keep me loving;
Keep me loving ’til the break of day.
Sing hosanna, sing hosanna,
sing Hosanna to the King of kings.
Sing hosanna, sing hosanna,
sing hosanna, let us sing!

Give me love in my heart, keep me serving;
Give me love in my heart, I pray. Hallelujah!
Give me love in my heart, keep me serving;
Keep me serving ’til the break of day.
Sing hosanna, sing hosanna,
sing Hosanna to the King of kings.
Sing hosanna, sing hosanna,
sing hosanna, let us sing!

(Words: Anonymous Music: Traditional, Arrangement © 1988 Hope Publishing Co. Church CCLI # 2458953)