St. Mark’s and COVID-19

St. Mark’s and Covid-19

Dear Church Family,

At St.Mark’s, the health and well-being of the church family is of paramount importance.  In keeping with the directives of Dr. Heather Morrison, PEI’s Chief Public Health Officer, we will not have services at the church on Sunday, March 22 or 29.  However, because our spiritual well-being is also important, we will have a video of a “mini service” that you will be able to watch from your own home on each Sunday.  A link to these videos will be on the church website each Sunday morning.

This is an unprecedented situation in which we all find ourselves and you may be feeling worried, afraid, or alone.  Although we cannot meet in person, we still have means by which we can all be in contact with each other – by telephone, Skype, FaceTime, instant messaging, emails, and texts.  If you are feeling the need to chat, or want to request prayer, please reach out to us.  You can email us at or you can text either of our cell phone numbers as listed in the church bulletin.

In this uncertain time, it is even more important for us to turn to God for comfort and strength.  We have the assurance that God hears and answers all of our prayers – so pray and tell God your worries and concerns and ask Him to help you.  There are a number of daily Bible reading programs that are available and we are happy to send you links to several online sources that you can access or can be sent to you via email.

We will continue to have our weekly Spirit Booster.  If you don’t already subscribe to this mid-week devotional but would like to, please email Rev. Paula at and ask to be added to the list.

Although we will not be meeting in person the next two weeks, the church’s expenses will, unfortunately, continue.  If you do not already give your offering via PAR, you can mail your offering to the church at:

St. Mark’s Presbyterian Church

P.O.Box 20007, Sherwood RPO

Charlottetown, PE

C1A 9E3

Alternatively, you are now able to donate safely online through the website by clicking on the  “Make a Donation” tab at the top of the homepage screen.

Hopefully, with all the restrictions in place, the crisis will pass quickly and we will be able to meet in person again soon.  In the meantime, we are praying for each and every one of you, for your health and well-being – physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

With our love and prayers,


Dr. Tom & Rev. Paula

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”

(2 Timothy 1:7, New King James Version)